Pli Lounge Seating

Pli is an exploration of the anatomy of lounge chairs and pushing boundaries to redefine the design language of a seating surface.
“Inspired by the elements of repetition seen in modern and classical architecture, Pli is a minimal yet playful interpretation of light and shadow created by repetition,” Fangyi says.
“The folds of heavy-duty felt forms a comfortable, padded backrest that is also removable/interchangeable for color customization and ease of cleaning,” Fangyi says.
About The Designer 

FangYi Gao
Product Designer

"As a designer, I am not afraid to fail fast and take risks to achieve better designs in the future.
I value interactions with others, the research, the tinkering and the messy doodles as much as I value the final design. I truly believe that everyone is creative, and my role as a designer is to see problems and solutions from other people's perspectives, and help visualize thoughts and ideas into a physical product.
I am a creative thinker, a good listener, a storyteller and a problem solver."

FangYi's Website-

Photoshoot on December 28, 2019

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