Pawse Park
The urban park for pet owners. An oasis for dogs and their owners amidst the chaotic city environment. To provide a natural intuitive dog walk experience in the context of an urban landscape.

"An experience to support and enhance the relationship between us and our pets. To create more quality time with each other," May says.  
"Pets have become part of our family: like never before," May says.  
"Moments of Pawse. As a dog follows its natural instinct: to run around in a loop, they will encounter different moments to experience along the trail of Pawse Park while spending quality times with the pet owners," May says. 
"In a traditional dog park, the journey from point A to B is very linear and unnatural. What is the path that allows dogs to follow their natural instinct to run around in a loop," May says.
"Instead of a linear line, a never ending loop will allow dogs to follow their natural instinct. At the same time allowing the pet and their owners to experience different moments along the way," May says.  
"A never ending place to run. For you and your dog to have fun together," May says. 
About The Designer 

May Lin
Spatial & Architectural Designer

I like to divide my work into three categories: provocative, tactile, and innovative. I believe only when my design is thought provoking and beautiful that I have done my job right. The use of tactile materials, innovative concepts, and provocative form language are what I strive to do throughout my design process.."

Photoshoot on April 21, 2019

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